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Safeguarding Bedfordshire Training

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Safeguarding Bedfordshire is the multi-agency training provider for the Safeguarding Children Partnerships in Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton. View our programme here.

Our training is aimed at those working or volunteering with children and young people across Bedfordshire. Our multi-agency approach ensures a shared understanding of the local priorities and promotes partnership working in order to safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults with the ambition that they will lead safe, happy and healthy lives, with opportunities to learn, develop and fulfil their potential.

Click here to book Safeguarding Bedfordshire training 


Pan Bedfordshire Safeguarding Children Partnerships Training and Development Strategy

Safeguarding Bedfordshire is responsible for taking a strategic overview of multi-agency training to promote effective practice and ensure good quality multi-agency training is provided. It supports partner agencies to meet their responsibilities, as stated in Working Together 2023.

“Multi-agency and multi-disciplinary training will be important in supporting this collective understanding of the demographics and needs of the local community, the local practice framework, and the services available to support children. All practitioners working with children and families, including those in universal services and those providing services to adults with children, need to understand their role in identifying emerging problems. They need appropriate training so that they:

  • know when to share information with other practitioners and what action to take to support early identification and assessment
  • are able to identify and recognise all forms of abuse, neglect, and exploitation
  • have an understanding of domestic and sexual abuse51, including controlling and coercive behaviour as well as parental conflict that is frequent, intense, and unresolved
  • are aware of new and emerging threats, including online harm, grooming, sexual exploitation, criminal exploitation, radicalisation, and the role of technology and social media in presenting harm
  • are aware that a child and their family may be experiencing multiple needs at the same time"

Safeguarding Bedfordshire training reflects the needs and priorities of Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton Safeguarding Children Partnerships as identified through each partnerships Learning & Improvements Frameworks. Specifically, the Pan Bedfordshire Coordinating Group supports and oversees the work of the Safeguarding Bedfordshire Training Unit in the following:

  1. Develop and implement the Pan Bedfordshire Safeguarding Partnerships Training, Development and Workforce Action Plan.
  2. Seek assurance from partners that they have learning and development processes in place to ensure that professionals have required safeguarding competences specific to their role and responsibility.

Safeguarding Bedfordshire training is hosted by Central Bedfordshire Council and provides access to a programme of defined learning to support practitioners and volunteers to undertake safeguarding activity in a confident and informed way, ensuring that best outcomes are achieved for children and young people.

View our Pan Bedfordshire Workforce Development Strategy and Training Framework.

Costs, Terms and Conditions

View and download our terms and conditions

User Guides & Help

Need help with registering, logging in or booking training? Please click here for our User Guide.

Frequently Asked Questions

Safeguarding Bedfordshire uses Enable booking system. Before booking training or eLearning, you will need to register on this system. For an introduction to using Enable, please refer to the User Guide and the help function on their website via the ‘?’ in the top right-hand corner. *

How do I register with Enable booking site?

If you do not already have an account, you will need to register. Please read the User Guide if you need help.

I have forgotten my password.

If you already have an account but have forgotten your log in details, please select ‘Forgot my password’ on the log-in page to recover this information. Please do not create a new user account. If you are still unable to log in, please contact us

How do I book a training course?

Please log in and click on ‘Events’, then ‘Available Events’. Search via the Find Learning bar or scroll through to choose a course. For more assistance, check the User Guide.

How do I cancel my place on a training course?

To cancel go ‘Events’ then ‘Active Events’. Click on the course and scroll down to cancel. Please remember, if you are giving less than 14 days notice, you will be charged. Your place can be reallocated to a colleague to avoid this charge but you must contact us in advance to ensure the booking details are updated.

Please review our terms and conditions for cancellation policy and charges.

How do I update my profile?

Once logged in, you are able to change basic details by clicking on the ‘person’ icon in the top right-hand corner of the Dashboard. If you need to change details such as your employer, you will need to contact us. Please ensure that you keep your details up to date to ensure we invoice the correct organisation for your training.

Do I need to prepare in advance?

Some courses will have pre-course learning to complete. This may be eLearning and / or a reading or research task. You must complete this before attending the training. You may be asked to evidence this when signing in. If you have not completed the pre-course learning, you may not be able to continue with the training. Course fees will still apply.

I have additional needs- can these be accommodated?

Please include information about your additional / specific needs when booking your training place. If you would like to discuss these in advance, please contact us.

Will I receive a certificate?

You will receive a certificate of attendance for courses. Please note the following to ensure you can access your certificate;

eLearning You will be able to download your certificate on successful completion of the course and evaluation.

Class based courses You must sign in on arrival and attend the full training session. Following the training, you will be sent a link to an online evaluation. Your certificate of attendance can be downloaded under ‘Awards’ after completing the evaluation. You must attend and engage with the full session to receive a certificate. 

How can I provide feedback on training?

You will have the opportunity to evaluate training following successful completion of eLearning or attendance of class based training. You will need to complete the evaluation form in order to download your certificate. You can also contact us to share feedback on eLearning and training courses.

How much does learning cost?

eLearning This is free to practitioners based in Bedfordshire. We reserve the right to limit or remove access where individuals and/ or there organisation do not fully complete their eLearning within 2 weeks on enrollment.

Class based training Our courses are typically charged at £37.50 per half day and £75 per full day. Please see individual course details for details.

Your organisation will be invoiced directly for your training place. If you wish to pay for the course yourself, please contact us

I have a question about a course.

Please review the course description for further details about the course content. If you need further information, please contact us.

I can’t find the course I’m looking for. There is no training to meet my needs.

Please use the search function to look up the key words. If you are still unable to find a training course to meet your needs, please contact us.

Do you offer ‘in house’ or bespoke training?

We may be able to offer our training courses in house, or to work with you to develop a bespoke training package. Charges apply. Please contact us for more information. 

As a general overview of costs for our 'in house' Safeguarding Awareness or Refresher sessions; (Please note- bespoke training may be subject to additional costs for course development.)

Safeguarding Awareness/ Refresher £300

  • Up to 3hrs
  • Up to 25 delegates
  • Online or in person (subject to providing a suitable training room)

Additional costs apply for larger groups;

      • 26-49 delegates £425
      • 50 delegates £550 (as two trainers required)
      • 51+ delegates are charged at £10 per person

I can’t find an answer to my question!

If you have questions or issues with the Enable system, please use the help function by clicking on the ‘?’ in the top right-hand corner. For questions about our training offer, please contact us.

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