Safeguarding Bedfordshire Sitemap SAFEGUARDING CHILDRENWelcome to Children & Young PeopleBullyingChild Death Overview Panel (CDOP)Child Safeguarding Review Panel (National Panel)Child Safety HazardsChild Sexual AbuseDog Safety eScootersExploitationExams... revision, results and what next?ICON: Caring for your Crying BabyKey Messages for PracticeMental Health and Emotional WellbeingNeglectNeglect Campaign- find out moreOnline SafetySafer Streets - keeping your teen safe!Private FosteringSharing information about children, young people and their familiesVoice of the Child/ Young PersonSafer SleepingWater SafetyYoung CarersSAFEGUARDING ADULTSWelcome to AdultsAdvocacyWHAT IS ABUSE & NEGLECTWhat is Abuse and Neglect?ABOUT USPan Bedfordshire - What does this mean?Bedford Borough Safeguarding Children PartnershipCentral Bedfordshire Safeguarding Children PartnershipLuton Safeguarding Adults BoardLuton Safeguarding Children PartnershipCase ReviewsNEWSFree webinars: Philomena Protocol (Children at Risk of Missing Episodes)Safeguarding Bedfordshire Training 2025/26Launch of Luton Shared Understanding of Safeguarding Guidance- free workshop for Luton based VSCE membersFREE NSPCC workshops Listen Up Speak Up“IT’S SILENT”: RACE, RACISM AND SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN - National Panel Report and webinarsNSPCC Virtual Open Day- learn about how the NSPCC are working in the East of England to protect children and support families (free)Central Bedfordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership publish 'Isabella' Child Safeguarding Practice Review (Feb 2025)Children's Social Care National Framework - information for practitioners who work in or with Children's Social CareLuton Safeguarding Adults Board publish key safeguarding guidance for all practitionersWater SafetyREPORT A CONCERNReport a concern about an adult or a childEscalating ConcernsTRAININGSafeguarding Bedfordshire Training