Safeguarding Bedfordshire Sitemap SAFEGUARDING CHILDRENWelcome to Children & Young PeopleBullyingChild Death Overview Panel (CDOP)Child Safety HazardsDog Safety eScootersExploitationExams... revision, results and what next?Key Messages for PracticeMental Health and Emotional WellbeingNeglectNeglect Campaign- find out moreOnline SafetyPrivate FosteringSafer SleepingSafer Streets - keeping your teen safe!Sharing information about children, young people and their familiesVoice of the Child/ Young PersonWater SafetySAFEGUARDING ADULTSWelcome to AdultsAdvocacyWHAT IS ABUSE & NEGLECTWhat is Abuse and Neglect?ABOUT USPan Bedfordshire - What does this mean?Bedford Borough Safeguarding Children PartnershipCentral Bedfordshire Safeguarding Children PartnershipLuton Safeguarding Adults BoardLuton Safeguarding Children PartnershipCase ReviewsNEWSLuton Safeguarding Adults Board publish key safeguarding guidance for all practitionersChild Safeguarding Practice Review Panel: Annual Report 2023/24FREE WEBINAR: Opening Doors: Access to Early Childhood Services for Families Impacted by Poverty in the UK16 Days of Action against gender based Domestic AbuseSafeguarding Training 02/12/2024 Families First Pathway- free event for Luton based practitionersWorking Together 2023- updated Guidance and information briefingUpcoming training from Safeguarding BedfordshireInformation Commissioner's Office: 10 step guide to sharing information to safeguard children NEGLECT: Free Neglect themed webinars from London Grid for Learning (LGfL)Water SafetyConference: The Impact of Sexual Trauma (2nd November, Kings House, Bedford)CoramBAAF Private Fostering Awareness Day: 8th November 2023 Safeguarding in the Faith Sector: resources from NWGREPORT A CONCERNReport a concern about an adult or a childEscalating ConcernsTRAININGSafeguarding Bedfordshire Training