Young Carers Am I a Young Carer? Maybe you are only doing what you’ve always done… maybe you aren’t sure whether your responsibilities make you a Young Carer. Information adapted from Carers in Bedfordshire website. Young carers are children and young people who provide care for family members who have physical or mental illnesses, disabilities or substance misuse issues. 1 in 5 young people are young carers, with 1 in 12 taking on mid- to high-level care. Each local authority has information on support available to Young Carers; Bedford Borough Central Bedfordshire Luton Information for Practitioners Pan Bedfordshire Procedures: Young Carers Carers in Bedfordshire Information for Practitioners working with Young Carers Identifying hidden and new young carers: A tool for education providers Information for Young Carers Carers in Bedfordshire Am I a Young Carer? Information for Young Carers