Luton Safeguarding Children Partnership

We hope you will find the site a useful resource both in understanding the purpose of the Luton Safeguarding Children Partnership, its structure and membership, as well as a user friendly tool to safeguard children and young people.
A key objective for the LSCP is to promote the message that ‘Safeguarding Children is everybody’s responsibility’ and therefore this site is aimed, not only at professionals but the wider public including parents, carers and young people themselves. We hope that children and young people, families and communities will use this website as well as practitioners working with children and young people.
Luton Safeguarding Children Partnership want to make sure children and young people feel safe and cared for in Luton. Find out more about our partnership and its work: LSCP Strategic Business Plan 2024-26
If you have any suggestions on how to improve the information we provide, please contact us at
Families First for Children Pathfinder Programme
Luton is one of seven local authorities in England who have been chosen to test key areas of the national social care reforms. The reforms are reliant on enhancing our multi-agency practice and shared ambition to identify need at an earlier stage in a child’s life and provide the support needed to enable children to remain in the care of their parents, family and neighbourhoods.
Luton have begun to obtain the views of children and their families to establish what they know about the reforms and how we should ensure that the changes benefit them. In doing this we are capturing the voices of our children, which is of the utmost importance as they are the ones for whom we are wanting to do better.
As part of our engagement with practitioners and system leaders we held our our inaugural Families First for Children Conference on 4 June 2024. This event brought us together with our partner agency colleagues to work jointly in beginning to shape how the reforms will look and be delivered here in Luton, for our children and families.
This set out that everyone is key to the success of these reforms and its therefore crucial that we gain your views, ideas for innovation and creativity of how we can genuinely Think Family and apply an approach that values what can be achieved by bringing the heart and love that exists in our communities into our delivery of services to the children and families of Luton. Those of you who attended the conference will have undoubtedly experienced the benefit of being able to meet your peers and partner agency colleagues in person to share ideas, worries, creativity and excitement linked to the reforms.
As we progress through our test and learn phase we will provide updates and include regular news items on this site.
Effective Support for Children and Young People in Luton
Please see this link to Luton's Threshold document which is called 'Effective Support for Children and Young People in Luton'.
Please see the additional guidance dated 01.04.2024 below which relates to Level 2 support.
What is Level 2
As per Luton’s Effective Support Strategy, families may at times, require additional support to help them meet the needs of their child/ren. This additional support may entail two or three services working together to meet the child and family need/s and involves agencies coming together to support families through a Team Around the Family and work out a plan with the family and professionals. This plan is established and managed by the leading agency, not the Local Authority. For further information, please refer to ‘Effective Support for Children and Young People in Luton.’
Please note, the level 2 does not replace the service that was provided to schools by the Education Welfare Team. As per the DfE Guidance – Working Together to Improve School Attendance (2023) there is an expectation for schools to work jointly with families to understand and remove barriers to attendance.
- If all school led support has been exhausted and it is identified that a family would benefit from a more intensive multi-disciplinary response, following discussion with the family, complete a referral for the Family Partnership Service (FPS).
- It is imperative that consent is obtained before making the referral. All referrals received are triaged by MASH and if determined that FPS is required, referrals are sent to FPS for allocation.
- An internal allocation decision is then made to provide the least intrusive intervention, which may entail the referral being allocated to an internal Level 2 Family Worker who will work with the family and professionals to start the Team Around the Family process, work out a plan with the family and identify a Lead Professional.
Attendance Support Team update:
Luton Borough Council is moving towards the final stages of the implementation plan in regards to the Attendance Support Team, embedding the team within the Family Partnership Service and aligning staff to the role of the Attendance Support Officer. As you are aware the Education Welfare Service no longer exists and as such ceased trading with schools as of the 1st April 2024.
We will share the details of the named Attendance Support Officer for each school neighbourhood partnership area. This named ASO will the main point of contact for schools in regards to Attendance matters. The School Attendance Officer will deliver the Local Authority functions to schools in line with the DfE guidance and will contact you in due course to arrange the first Targeted Support Meeting and an area network meeting. We will share pathways for requesting Penalty Notices in addition to guidance on how you can undertake your register audits and updated CME guidance. We are currently working closely with the DfE on moving towards full implementation of the guidance.
Luton Multi-Agency Safeguarding Children Arrangements
Working Together 2023 sets out requirements for new collaborative working arrangements for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and families which will lead to improved outcomes and experiences. The arrangements in Luton are named the Luton Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP).
The Luton Safeguarding Children Partnership Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements (MASA) were implemented in September 2019 and revised in June 2023.
However, these have now been updated and re-published in the light of the revised requirements within Working Together 2023 and can be found here: Revised Luton MASA October 2024
The MASA sets out the arrangements for safeguarding partners to work together with other agencies to identify and respond to the needs of children in Luton, and the three safeguarding partners Luton Borough Council, Bedfordshire Police and the Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board (BLMK ICB) have equal and joint responsibility for local safeguarding arrangements.
With the requirements of the Children and Social Work Act 2017 the responsibility for ensuring that Child Death Reviews are carried out when a child dies will be the responsibility of the local authorities and BLMK ICB, please see this statement from Bedfordshire ICB (Word).
LSCP Yearly Reports
Threshold Document
Effective Support Strategy for children and young people in Luton.
Serious Child Safeguarding Cases
A function of the Luton Safeguarding Children Partnership (BBSCP) is to consider whether to conduct a Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review (CSPR) after a child has died or is seriously harmed as a result of abuse or neglect who’s usual residence is within the Local Authority area.
The Child Safeguarding Practice Panel Review Guidance for Safeguarding Partners and Pan Bedfordshire Interagency Child Protection Procedures set out the arrangements that are in place to respond to these reviews and what happens once a notification of a serious incident is made to the LSCP under Chapter 2, Working Together 2023.
The purpose of reviews of serious child safeguarding cases, at both local and national level, is to identify system and practice improvements to be made to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Reviews seek to prevent or reduce the risk of recurrence of similar incidents. They are not conducted to hold individuals, organisations or agencies to account.
‘Serious child safeguarding cases’ are those in which:
- Abuse or neglect of a child is known or suspected
- The child has died or been seriously harmed
Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018) states that serious harm includes (but is not limited to) serious and/or long-term impairment of a child’s mental health or intellectual, emotional, social or behavioural development. It should also cover impairment of physical health. This is not an exhaustive list. When making decisions, judgement should be exercised in cases where impairment is likely to be long-term, even if this is not immediately certain. Even if a child recovers, including from a one-off incident, serious harm may still have occurred.
Meeting the criteria does not mean that BBSCP must automatically carry out a local child safeguarding practice review. Locally it is for the Case Review Group, on behalf of the BBSCP, to determine whether a review is appropriate, taking into account that the overall purpose of a review is to identify improvements to practice.
CSPRs will be published on this website to enable the sharing of learning across the children’s workforce. All reports are anonymised for publication.
Notifications of Serious Child Safeguarding Events
Where a local authority in England knows or suspects that a child has been abused or neglected, the local authority must notify the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel (the Panel) if:
- the child dies or is seriously harmed in the local authority's area; or
- while normally resident in the local authority's area, the child dies or is seriously harmed outside England.
The duty to notify serious child safeguarding events to the Panel rests with the local authority. Information on the process to be followed using the Child Incident Notification System can be found on GOV.UK.
The local authority must notify the Panel of any event that meets the criteria within 5 working days of becoming aware that the incident has occurred. The local authority should also report the event to the safeguarding partners in their area (and in other areas if appropriate) within 5 working days. Where the child was Looked After, the local authority must also notify the Secretary of State and Ofsted that they have died, regardless of whether abuse or neglect is known or suspected.
Referring a case to LSCP Case Review Group
Each agency must have arrangements for identifying cases where the agency considers that criteria for either a local or national CSPRs may be met (see sections 4 and 8). It is important that any practitioner is able to discuss a case with their agency Case Review Group representative if they think a CSPR may be required.
The Case Review Group representative should notify the LSCP Business Unit of a referral and confirm this in writing within 48 hours using the referral form.
The LSCP Business Unit will request agency information to assist in the Rapid Review of the case. Locally the three Safeguarding Partners have ultimate responsibility for deciding whether to conduct a local review or not. The Independent Chair/Scrutineer will also be informed to allow independent scrutiny of the decision making process.
Please see the Pan Bedfordshire Serious Incident Notification & Rapid Review Process flow chart for further information.
A case may be referred by the local Child Death Overview Panel to the Case Review Group that appear to meet the criteria and which they consider is likely to have important lessons for multi-agency working.
The LSCP Case Review Group
Any partner agency may refer a case to the Case Review Group if they believe that there are important lessons for multi-agency working to be learned from the case.
The Case Review Group has several functions and tasks delegated to it. In summary, the Case Review Group will coordinate the following inter-related activity:
- Making recommendations to the three Safeguarding Partners as to: - whether a CSPR should be carried out and the methodology to be used. Or whether a CSPR should not be carried out but another type of review should be undertaken and the methodology to be used, or - whether other action should be taken by the LSCP.
- Commissioning CSPRs, positive learning review or other types of reviews on behalf of the LSCP.
- Monitoring partner agency and the BBSCP’s action plans following the publication of a CSPR or completion of another type of review.
- Using the learning from local and national CSPRs to inform policy, practice and the LSCP learning and development programme.
Local Reviews
Family T: In December 2022, Luton Safeguarding Children Partnership and the Luton Safeguarding Adults Board commissioned an Integrated Child Safeguarding Practice Review and Safeguarding Adults Review to consider the serious harm experienced by the family members through adult self-neglect and child neglect. The LSCP is grateful for the input of the children of the family Arnie and Ruby who have some key messages for practitioners working with families in circumstances of neglect.
The review has been published and can be found here: LSCP/LSAB Integrated Safeguarding Review Family T
Child Lena: In 2019, Luton Safeguarding Children Partnership commissioned a Child Safeguarding Practice Review to consider the serious harm experienced by Lena through, sexual and criminal exploitation. The review has been published and can be found here:
Child Safeguarding Practice Review Lena
Following the LSCP signing off this Review the learning and recommendations were addressed by the partnership and monitored by their Case Review Group. In addition to the activity referenced in the report and within the action plan there have been a number of new processes and structures related to child sexual exploitation put in place. These include a weekly Missing and Child Exploitation (MACE) multi-agency coordination meeting, MAGpan to support those identified as being at risk from gang or group association and a Youth Partnership Service to address those young people at risk of coming into the criminal justice system.
Thematic Child Safeguarding Practice Review regarding Serious Youth Violence was commissioned by LSCP and can be found here:
Thematic Review
This review consider the multi-agency response to four young males who had been involved in serious youth violence and gang association. Three of the young males had received stabbing injuries as a result of their involvement in serious youth violence, and not all off them were known to youth offending or children's social care prior to these events. The cases of these young people have provided a lens through which to consider current service responses, informing a wider case audit of young people identified as vulnerable or at risk of SYV.
Following the LSCP signing off this Review the learning and recommendations have and are being addressed by the partnership and monitored by their Case Review Group.
Examples how the LSCP and partners are working together to address all forms of exploitation and the risks posed to children in Luton:
This Child Safeguarding Practice Review was conducted by the Luton Safeguarding Children Partnership and published in June 2021 regarding the case of a six-year-old child named Oliwer who died in December 2019.
LSCP Child Oliwer CSPR
National Case Review Repository
The NSPCC hold the National Case Review Repository which provides a single place for published case reviews to make it easier to access and share learning at a local, regional and national level.
The NSPCC has put together a series of themed briefing documents highlighting the learning from published reviews. Each briefing focuses on a different topic, pulling together key risk factors and practice recommendations to help practitioners understand and act upon the learning.